Monday 9 March 2015

Red planet board 3 Forgeworld Imperial Strongpoint

As its tile number three and I'm doing exactly the same thing as last time I didn't bother (/remember) to do the WIP shots of the red oxide pre shading, the grey walling, red crating and then red oxide basing. Here I'd done all that and just added the leather brown spots on rubbled areas. For a full step by step follow the labels at the bottom (board project) to have a look at the other board tiles I've done so far.

Here's the tile after some bone spray has been added to sandbags, large ground areas and rubble, I went a bit heavy with the bone so went back in with the oxide, also a bit heavy sadly.

heres the three boards so far, sorry the light died outside and I was left with my woefully inadequate room lights. You can see I added a bit more orange to the Manufactorum base to tie in a bit better, although this one still looks a bit lighter. The strongpoint seems to fit in quite well, I might just tone down a couple of the oxide red patches by the sand bags and in the bottom right.

Hope you like the progress! Thoughts and comments welcome!

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